Zombies and Milkshakes – Bryanna Dyer


Artist Biography

Bryanna Dyer aka Gouda Mourning

As a queer neurospicy kid with more bullies than friends I went into making my own comics as a means of acquiring the love and admiration I craved. My school peers didn’t read them, so I abandoned the idea of friendship in the pursuit of literally making my own companions. After years of growing up and exploring my Magnum Opus I found myself in this Graphic Novels course expanding on a concept I just scribbled as a fun exploration of zombie media in a more sugar coated lens. While I normally default to utilizing my oldest and most cherished characters for art projects, I found myself exploring this throwaway idea instead. This was my first time playing with the absence of color and writing a story in the Zombie Apocalypse genre of horror and all things considered I’m glad I was able to make something different. Currently I struggle to actually produce much art these days and I’ve been afraid to even post anything to my Instagram (@Bryannalynndyer) thanks to the generative AI panic. I see a million things I could’ve done better but maybe just having it exist is okay right now.



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Graphic Novel Course 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Clement Yeh, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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