Artist’s Biographies

Clement Yeh

Clement Yeh is an artist, parent, husband, community advocate, educator, and student of life. Born to Chinese parents in England, he grew up in Calgary on Treaty 7 land. Comics were an early creative influence that inspired him to pursue fine art, leading to a BFA at AuArts and an MFA at Concordia University. He currently teaches in the Communication and Visual Arts department at Thompson Rivers University on traditional unceded Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Territory (Kamloops, BC), and sits on the Board of the Kamloops Arts Council. His primary medium is figurative drawing, and he is passionate about supporting the role that art plays in personal growth, confronting social issues, and uplifting the quality of life in society.

Bryanna Dyer aka Gouda Mourning

As a queer neurospicy kid with more bullies than friends I went into making my own comics as a means of acquiring the love and admiration I craved. My school peers didn’t read them, so I abandoned the idea of friendship in the pursuit of literally making my own companions. After years of growing up and exploring my Magnum Opus I found myself in this Graphic Novels course expanding on a concept I just scribbled as a fun exploration of zombie media in a more sugar-coated lens. While I normally default to utilizing my oldest and most cherished characters for art projects, I found myself exploring this throwaway idea instead. This was my first time playing with the absence of color and writing a story in the Zombie Apocalypse genre of horror and all things considered I’m glad I was able to make something different. Currently I struggle to actually produce much art these days and I’ve been afraid to even post anything to my Instagram (@Bryannalynndyer) thanks to the generative AI panic. I see a million things I could’ve done better but maybe just having it exist is okay right now.

Kazia Poore

Kazia Poore is an artist based in Kamloops, where she received her BFA at Thompson Rivers University. She focuses on drawing, painting, and photography. Her artistic focus revolved around hands, mental health, emotions, and dance. She often draws from real life experiences and finds that she can express herself better through art than words. You can find her with a sketchbook and novel in hand amongst the trees, cafes, and beaches where she likes to spend her free time.


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Graphic Novel Course 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Clement Yeh, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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